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Tizen app vibration background

I have a Samsung Gear S and I'm bussy writing a web app. I would like to vibrate my app when I get a message from my server. I simply use navigator.vibrate(1000) and this works just fine. But when my app goes to the background the vibration doesn't work anymore. I've found this thread ( in which they face the same problem but there is no solution. Someone also suggested to use alarms to make your app active but I don't know how to do that. I suppose it is something like this:

var alarm = new tizen.AlarmRelative(1);
var service = navigator.vibrate(1000);
tizen.alarm.add(alarm, "org.tizen.browser", service);

This fails because the service isn't correct. How can I get this to work?


  • The following method:

    You can turn on the screen light first then vibrate.


    doesn't work quite yet. I had to add a delay for the vibration:

    setTimeout(function (){
    }, 500);

    EDIT: Also add from the other answers to the config.xml file,

    <tizen:setting background-support="enable" background-vibration="enable" />
    <tizen:privilege name=""/>