I have a form in rails with input values, and 1 of the values is a LOV (List of Values) and a second input field is also a LOV but depends on the input of the other field. The input value of the first field is not saved in between. So I need to use that field value before it is saved. So, the example: I choose a company from the list of values of all companies for the field supplier, the second field supplier_address will be a LOV with all the addresses of that company, so the LOV of the second field is dependent on the value chosen in the first field, company.
What I tried:
def new
@purchase_requisition = PurchaseRequisition.new
@purchase_requisition.number = find_next_user_value("Purchase_Requisition")
#@purchase_requisition.supplier_address_id = PurchaseRequisition.new.purchase_requisition_params[:supplier_id]
@purchase_requisition = PurchaseRequisition.new(purchase_requisition_params)
respond_to do |format|
@purchase_requisition.supplier_address_id = PurchaseRequisition.new.purchase_requisition_params[:supplier_id]
but I still get the error:
param is missing or the value is empty: purchase_requisition
Can someone please help me? Thank you!!!
The error you're encountering isn't being caused by the code you've provided. You're probably using strong parameters and have a method like this:
def purchase_requisition_params
params.require(:purchase_requisition).permit(# some list of attributes #)
The problem is that params[:purchase_requisition]
doesn't exist. Probably because the form_for
in your view isn't referencing a purchase_requisition
object. Try adding as:
to your form_for
to send your params under that param key:
form_for @requisition, as: :purchase_requisition, ....
Otherwise, you'll have to post more details about your view and controller to help isolate the issue you're having.
Also, in your controller code you want:
Instead of: