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Combinations WITH repetitions in Smalltalk

I need to generate all the possible combinations of N numbers including repetitions.

Problem input: I have N cells where I can put one number in the interval 0 to: 9, in each cell.

Wrong solution (with N = 4):

(0 to: 3) permutationsDo: [ : each | Transcript cr; show: each printString].

Does not includes #(0 0 0 0) , #(1 1 1 1) , #(2 2 2 2), etc.

Expected output (with N = 2, and range 1-4 for the sake of brevity):

#(1 1)
#(2 2)
#(3 3)
#(4 4)
#(2 1)
#(3 2)
#(4 3)
#(1 4)
#(3 1)
#(4 2)
#(1 3)
#(2 4)
#(4 1)
#(1 2)
#(2 3)
#(3 4)


  • Here are a couple of selectors with which you could extend SequenceableCollection. That's the class where permutationsDo: is defined and is inherited, ultimately, by the Interval class.

    Category "enumerating":

    enumerationsDo: aBlock
       | anArray |
       anArray := Array new: self size.
       self enumerateWithSize: (self size) in: anArray do: [ :each | aBlock value: each ]

    Category "private":

    enumerateWithSize: aSize in: anArray do: aBlock
       (aSize = 1)
          ifTrue: [
             self do: [ :each |
                aBlock value: (anArray at: (self size - aSize + 1) put: each ; yourself) ] ]
          ifFalse: [
             self do: [ :each |
                self enumerateWithSize: (aSize - 1) in: anArray do: [ :eachArray |
                   aBlock value: (eachArray at: (self size - aSize + 1) put: each ; yourself) ] ] ]

    So now you can do:

    (0 to: 2) enumerationsDo: [ :each | Transcript show: each printString ; cr ]

    Which yields:

    #(0 0 0)
    #(0 0 1)
    #(0 0 2)
    #(0 1 0)
    #(0 1 1)
    #(0 1 2)
    #(0 2 0)
    #(0 2 1)
    #(0 2 2)
    #(1 0 0)
    #(1 0 1)
    #(1 0 2)
    #(1 1 0)
    #(1 1 1)
    #(1 1 2)
    #(1 2 0)
    #(1 2 1)
    #(1 2 2)
    #(2 0 0)
    #(2 0 1)
    #(2 0 2)
    #(2 1 0)
    #(2 1 1)
    #(2 1 2)
    #(2 2 0)
    #(2 2 1)
    #(2 2 2)

    This selector operates "symmetrically" like the existing permutationsDo: selector does, which is the number of elements in the resulting arrays (number of choices) is the same as the number of values in the collection.

    You can easily go from that to a more general solution:

    Under "enumerating":

    enumerationsDo: aBlock
        self enumerationsOfSize: (self size) do: aBlock
    enumerationsOfSize: aSize do: aBlock
       | anArray |
       anArray := Array new: aSize.
       self enumerateWithSize: aSize subSize: aSize in: anArray do: [ :each | aBlock value: each ]

    Under "private":

    enumerateWithSize: aSize subSize: sSize in: anArray do: aBlock
        (aSize < sSize)
            ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'subSize cannot exceed array size' ].
        (sSize < 1)
            ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'sizes must be positive' ].
        (sSize = 1)
            ifTrue: [
                self do: [ :each |
                    aBlock value: (anArray at: (aSize - sSize + 1) put: each ; yourself) ] ]
            ifFalse: [
                self do: [ :each |
                    self enumerateWithSize: aSize subSize: (sSize - 1) in: anArray do: [ :eachArray |
                        aBlock value: (eachArray at: (aSize - sSize + 1) put: each ; yourself) ] ] ]

    Here's an example:

    (1 to: 3) enumerationsOfSize: 2 do: [ :e | Transcript show: e printString ; cr ]

    Which yields:

    #(1 1)
    #(1 2)
    #(1 3)
    #(2 1)
    #(2 2)
    #(2 3)
    #(3 1)
    #(3 2)
    #(3 3)