I implemented a PreferenceActivity
and I allow the user to change the theme of the app. When the switch for that setting is flipped, initially nothing happens.
When the Up button
is pressed, I am taken to the parent activity and it reloads the theme to use the new theme. However, if I'm still in the SettingsActivity
and press the Back
button, I get back to the MainActivity but the new theme is not applied. I suppose MainActivity
doesn't reload onCreate()
in that case.
I would like to override the Back
button's behaviour in that SettingsActivity
only and I know how to, but I don't know what method to execute in order to imitate the Up button pressed behaviour.
Any ideas?
If the parent activity is something you have control over, just override the back button press. You can do it like so:
public void onBackPressed() {
// Replace "ParentActivity.class" with the name of your parent activity
Intent parentIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ParentActivity.class);
The above code should override the back button and give you the result you want.