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Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint retrieving old values

I am having a problem with my Virtuoso RDF Store.

Even though I am uploading new RDF files, everytime I make a SPARQL query, the only values which are retrieved are from old RDF files (the ones I manually deleted a long time ago).

This is an example of the SPARQL query I am doing:

PREFIX owl-time: <>
PREFIX cdc-owl: <>
FROM <miOnt:move>
    ?ws rdf:type cdc-owl:WeatherSituation.
    ?ws cdc-owl:hasWeatherTime ?time.
    ?time owl-time:inXSDDateTime "2015-06-16T09:00:00".
    ?ws cdc-owl:hasTemperature ?temperature

And these are the results I am obtaining (as it can be seen, they are old files): SPARQL results

Any idea of why is this happening?

This is the way my repository looks like: RDF Repository


  • From what I can see, you have loaded your files into the Virtuoso WebDAV (file) repository, but you have not loaded the RDF therein into the Virtuoso (RDF) Quad Store.

    See this guide to the bulk loader, and this page of RDF loading methods.

    (ObDisclaimer: I work for OpenLink Software, producer of Virtuoso.)