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Grails Controller Mapping, Complete misunderstanding

Okay, I'm trying to learn grails and I don't get how does UrlMappings work.

This is my code:

package naturalselector

class UrlMappings {

static mappings = {
    "/pleasemapit"(view: '/index')
    "/creatures/" {
      controller = 'NaturalSelectionController'
      action = 'viewCreatures'

Controller class:

package naturalselector

class NaturalSelectionController {

def viewCreatures() {
  println("HIT viewCreatures")
  List creatures
  6.times { idx ->
    creatures.add(new RandomCreature())
    println creatures.get(idx)
  redirect (view: "/index")

controller is in grails-app\controllers\naturalselector\ UrlMappings are in the same dir.

In all examples controller has a lower case value. I don't understand. Is it a package? Why would you specify controller as a package? I just want to execute method in controller, I don't want to render any page yet, just redirect back to index. Thank you.


  • Is it a package?


    Why would you specify controller as a package?

    You wouldn't.

    Instead of this...

    static mappings = {
        "/pleasemapit"(view: '/index')
        "/creatures/" {
            controller = 'NaturalSelectionController'
            action = 'viewCreatures'

    Use this...

    static mappings = {
        "/pleasemapit"(view: '/index')
        "/creatures" {
            controller = 'naturalSelection'
            action = 'viewCreatures'

    Or this...

    static mappings = {
        "/pleasemapit"(view: '/index')
        "/creatures"(controller: 'naturalSelection', action: 'viewCreatures')