I'm currently developing a Web API and I'm figuring out about how to add a new method inside my controller FilmsController which has to execute a LINQ query simply returning the related JSON to the user. Everything seems correct but when I try to call that API an error 404 appears. The API I'm trying to call is api/NewFilms, which should be correct.
Here is the method GetNewFilms inside FilmsController:
public IQueryable<Film> GetNewFilms()
var query = from f in db.Films
orderby f.ReleaseYear descending
select f;
return query;
// GET: api/Films
public IQueryable<Film> GetFilms()
return db.Films;
With the default routing configuration, web api controller allows to have only one GET action (without any parameters). If you have more than one GET actions, you will get a 500 error with message like
Multiple actions were found that match the request
If you need to have more than one GET actions, you may explicitly define a route pattern for those using Attribute routing.
public class FilmsController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> GetNewFilms()
return new List<string> { "New Film 1","New Film 1"};
// GET: api/Films
public IEnumerable<string> GetFilms()
return new List<string> { "Film 1","Film 2"};
public string GetFilm(int id)
return "A single film";
Also, you may consider changing your return type from IQueryable
to IEnumerable
of your Dto ( instead of the entity class created by your ORM)