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change rbenv download mirrors

Here says I can change mirror by setting RUBY_BUILD_MIRROR_URL environment variable:

You can point ruby-build to another mirror by specifying the RUBY_BUILD_MIRROR_URL environment variable--useful if you'd like to run your own local mirror, for example. Package mirror URLs are constructed by joining this variable with the SHA2 checksum of the package file.

Then I set it. But it doesn't work:

aries@mac-book-air: echo $RUBY_BUILD_MIRROR_URL
aries@mac-book-air: rbenv install 2.3.0                                                                                                                                                                                        
Downloading ruby-2.3.0.tar.bz2...

Besides, I didn't set RUBY_BUILD_SKIP_MIRROR variable in my env.

rbenv version: 1.0.0, ruby-build is the latest version. Mac OS X version:

ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.11.4
BuildVersion:   15E65

We can see that it does not use the mirror I set with that environment variable.

Anyone knows how to solve that? Thank you.


  • according to this I find that the mirror url does not support it. problem solved.