As it's stated in the upgrade guide, Effects
is being replaced by this new Applicative Functor-like thing Cmd
. I don't see any trace of a clue as to where Effects.tick
might be hiding, or how it could be reimplemented.
From the looks of things, Process.sleep
might be the right answer, something like
Task.perform errorHandler (\x -> x) <| Process.sleep
<| 500 * Time.millisecond
would allow the process to wait 500 milliseconds before issuing the next message / action. I'm just not sure if this is what will replace Effects.tick in the long run though.
Effect.tick functionality is replaced by AnimationFrame.
You basically subscribe to a set of msg of either times or diffs. And react accordingly.
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as App
import AnimationFrame
import Time exposing (Time, second)
main =
{ init = Model 0 0 ! []
, update = \msg model -> update msg model ! []
, view = view
, subscriptions = \_ -> AnimationFrame.diffs identity}
type alias Model =
{ timeSinceLastIncrement : Time
, counter : Int }
incrementTime = 1*second
update diff {timeSinceLastIncrement, counter} =
if timeSinceLastIncrement > incrementTime then
Model 0 (counter+1)
Model (timeSinceLastIncrement+diff) counter
view {counter} =
div [] [text (toString counter)]
I've chosen to send the Time diffs directly as messages and to unpack the structure of the model in both update
and view
for easier access to components. In a more complex app you will probably have something like a Tick Time