I'm working with atxmega avr, I want to send a pattern of bytes to the MC and when it's complete and valid the MC Reply the pattern back to the PC, the pattern sent is an array of 8 bytes, I tried to find-out the problem but not succeeded :(, I don't know what's the problem with my code. knowing that serial port is working fine. my code is here:
while (1)
if (sampling_flag==1)
tx_buf2[i] = usart_getchar(&USARTF0);
if (tx_buf2[0]== 0x01 && i==7)
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
usart_putchar(&USARTF0, tx_buf2[i]);
if (!fifo_is_empty(&rx_fifo))
fifo_pull_uint8(&rx_fifo, &byteToSend);
usart_putchar(&USARTF0, received_byte);
}//end of while(1)
Probably you have to use "j" in usart_putchar like below
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
usart_putchar(&USARTF0, tx_buf2[j]);
Your current code may reply only tx_buf2[7]