I have the following Code:
from googlefinance import getQuotes
import simplejson as json
print (json.dumps(getQuotes('FRA:BMW'), indent=2))
b=(json.dumps(getQuotes('FRA:BMW'), indent=2))
a = json.loads((json.dumps(getQuotes('FRA:BMW'), indent=2)))
This is what I get:
"LastTradePrice": "73.39",
"LastTradeWithCurrency": "€73.39",
"LastTradeDateTime": "2016-05-13T19:57:30Z",
"LastTradeDateTimeLong": "May 13, 7:57PM GMT+2",
"ID": "10224532",
"Index": "FRA",
"StockSymbol": "BMW",
"LastTradeTime": "7:57PM GMT+2"
<class 'str'>
<class 'list'>
[{'LastTradePrice': '73.39', 'LastTradeWithCurrency': '€73.39', 'LastTradeDateTimeLong': 'May 13, 7:57PM GMT+2', 'LastTradeDateTime': '2016-05-13T19:57:30Z', 'ID': '10224532', 'Index': 'FRA', 'StockSymbol': 'BMW', 'LastTradeTime': '7:57PM GMT+2'}]
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 11, in <module>
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
As you see I am not able to print the "Index" Value (in that case:FRA) (last code line of the script) No idea how that could work.
You don't need the json
module to read that data. It is already a Python dictionary. The error said you have to index the list that getQuotes
returns. Since there is only one element, you can use [0]
>>> from googlefinance import getQuotes
>>> fra_bmw = getQuotes('FRA:BMW')
>>> fra_bmw[0]["Index"]