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incorrect url showing after magento 2 fresh installation with backend login error

I have installed the newest version of magento 2.0 in wamp environnement. Enabled a lot of php and apache module needed to run it . such like rewrite module and . I'm using wamp and the php version used is 5.5 and apache 2.4 . I still have incorrect url when I navigate in this fresh installation . They are like : example backend login


forgot password


although I'm sure that I have the right login/password, I can't login to the backend I have this error :

You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled.


  • The issue with the magento setup, when you install magento first time, and set a password and confirmation password, is that it stores a wrong password in the database.


    edit the file: \vendor\zendframework\zend-crypt\src\Utils.php

    and echo the variables $expected and $actual and check if they have equal values.

    if yes, they do not match; change line 35:

    if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
        return hash_equals($expected, $actual);


    if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
        return true;

    for direct access to magento admin with any password, and then change password and revert back the code changes.

    This solution worked for me.