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Writing bits as bits to a file

So file systems deal with bytes but I'm looking to read/write data to a file in bits.

I have a file that is ~ 850mb and the goal is to get it under 100 mb. I used delta + huffman encoding to generate a "code table" of binary. When you add all "bits" (aka the total number of 0s and 1s in the file) you get about 781,000,000 "bits" so theoretically I should be able to store these in about 90mb or so. This is where I'm running into a problem.

Based on other answers I've seen around SO, this is the closest I've gotten:

with open(r'encoded_file.bin', 'wb') as f:
    for val in filedict:
            int_val = int(val[::-1], base=2)
            bin_array = struct.pack('i', int_value)

The val being passed along each iteration is the binary to be written. These do not have a fixed length and range from 10 from the most common to 111011001111001100 for the longest. The average code length is 5 bits. The above code generates a file of about 600mb, still way off the target.

Currently I am using Python 2.7, I can get to Python 3.x if I absolutely have to. Is it even possible in Python? Could a language like C or C++ do it easier?


  • Note: because the bytes object is just an alias to str in python 2 I wasn't able to find (decent) way of writing the following that worked for both versions without using if USING_VS_3.

    As a minimal interface to go from a string of bits to bytes that can be written to a file you can use something like this:

    def _gen_parts(bits):
        for start in range(0,len(bits),8):
            b = int(bits[start:start+8], base=2)
            if USING_VS_3:
                yield b #bytes takes an iterator of ints
                yield chr(b)
    def bits_to_bytes(bits): # -> (bytes, "leftover")
        split_i = -(len(bits)%8)
        byte_gen = _gen_parts(bits[:split_i])
        if USING_VS_3:
            whole = bytes(byte_gen)
            whole = "".join(byte_gen)
        return whole, bits[split_i:]

    So giving a string of binary data like '111011001111001100' tobits_to_bytes` will return a 2 item tuple of (byte data to write to file) and (left over bits).

    Then a simple and un-optimized file interface to handle the partial-byte-buffer could be like this:

    class Bit_writer:
        def __init__(self,file):
            self.file = file
            self.buffer = ""
        def write(self,bits):
            byte_data, self.buffer = bits_to_bytes(self.buffer + bits)
        def close(self):
            #you may want to handle the padding differently?
            byte_data,_ = bits_to_bytes("{0.buffer:0<8}".format(self))
        def __enter__(self): # This will let you use a 'with' block
            return self
        def __exit__(self,*unused):