I need to pass a variable that contains spaces to a macro. And use this variable to make some logic and to buid a new column inside the macro.
I've tried something like:
%MACRO func(var);
if first.id then &var = 0;
retain &var;
if descr = %unquote(%str(%'&var%')) then &var = 1;
proc sort data=work.table5a;
by id;
data temp;
set work.table5a;
by id;
if last.id;
NOTE: Line generated by the macro variable "VAR". 37 BANDA BASSOTTI _____ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
If i comment %prova(BANDA BASSOTTI) it works. Any suggestions ?
You're using &var to create a variable name, and if you want to have a variable name with spaces in it, you need to use the variable name literals, e.g. "BANDA BASSOTTI"n. I haven't done this myself, seems like it makes the code uglier and harder to write, but something like this seems to work:
options validvarname=any;
%MACRO func(var);
retain "&var"n;
if first.id then "&var"n = 0;
if descr = "&var" then "&var"n = 1;