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Efficient/Proper way to add Images to MapControl - windows phone 8.1

I'm developing an App in which the map will be shown to user and I need to add around 10-12 images to the map at different GeoPoints each having 1KB of size.

I'm adding those images dynamically as per below:

Image img = new Image();
img.Height = 35;
img.Width = 35;
img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/myImage.png"));
img.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform() { Rotation = item.bearing };

MapControl.SetNormalizedAnchorPoint(img, new Point(0.5, 0.5));
MapControl.SetLocation(img, new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = item.latitude, Longitude = item.longitude }));


My Problem is

After I add those 12 images, my Map control becomes soo Laggy that while moving the map from one location to other, it hangs a lot.

So, is there any efficient way to add images to Map in windows phone 8.1 App.


I've tried to add MapIcons to the Map, but in that case MapIcons were disappeared at specific zoom level, but i want to keep those MapIcons visible at any zoom level.

So is there any way I can make MapIcons visible for every zoom level?


  • You could use the MapIcon class instead, this would be handled better as the map is a native C++ control, so it has to do a lot of work to position XAML elements on the map. The MapIcon class is a native class so it renders much better. You will need to convert your image into a RandomAccessStream and then pass it into the MapIcon image property. This may help:

    You can then add the MapIcon's to the maps MapElements property.