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How to insert/append new node entries to an element list in WSO2 BPEL?

Using wso2bps-3.5.1

I have searched but not found any information on how to dynamicaly populate a list of elements in WSO2 BPS BPEL.

My use case is to loop through a list given from an Invoke activity to produce another list of elements. I'm using a Foreach activity to loop where I create a local scoped variable inside the loop to build the new list entry. But, I have no idea how to insert this node into the new list. Are there any built in functions?

Any examples would be appreciated.


  • I was able to solve this question my self:

    <bpel:assign validate="no" name="Assign">
                    <![CDATA[ode:insert-after($closeAccountResponse.closeAccountResponsePart/xclac:accountConnections, $closeAccountResponse.closeAccountResponsePart/xclac:accountConnections/xcom:accountConnection, $record)]]>
                <bpel:to part="closeAccountResponsePart" variable="closeAccountResponse">