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In PaperTrail gem, an object's data isn't accessible

I'm using the paper_trail ( gem in my application for store versioning. I customize with class_name. I able to collect record through query but how to access object's data

ElementVersion(id: integer, item_type: string, item_id: integer, event: string, whodunnit: string, object: text, created_at: datetime)

 The object have a information are
 id: 431
 heading: some text
 body: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n<html><body>\ndfklsjdalfjlds</body></html>\n"
 element_type_id: 5
 parent_id: 430
 position: 1
 created_at: 2016-04-18 04:35:52.916000000 Z
 updated_at: 2016-05-13 04:56:51.371376000 Z
 lock_version: 85
 display_heading: false
 lock_time: 2016-05-13 04:56:51.000000000 Z
 locked_by: 16
 details: "{}"

ElementVersion.where_object(parent_id: 430)

It is returning an array of records, but I am not able to access "body" content from the above query. Do you have any ideas about how to fix this issue?


  • ElementVersion.where_object(parent_id: 430) It is returning an array of records, but I am not able to access "body" ..

    The Version.where_object method returns a Relation of Version objects, just like the normal where method.

    The Basic Usage section of the documentation describes how to retrieve the original record from a Version record.

    widget = Widget.find 153                                 # 'Doobly'
    widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wotsit'             # 'Doobly'

    So, you can reify your ElementVersion record to get, presumably, an Element, and then call #body on it.