What will be the gantt chart for round robin scheduling with time quantum ?
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Process Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 0 3
P2 1 3
P3 2 3
Time quantum : 1 units
According to me, following should be the gantt chart. Please verify.
Doubt :
What happens if P1 ( scheduled) and P2 (new Process) arrives at the same Time T. Which of these will be scheduled next ?
eg. P1 is scheduled from Time T0 to T1. P2 arrives at Time T1. Now at Time T1 both P1 and P2 is present to be scheduled. Which one will execute next ?
I read that Process is always inserted at the end of Waiting Queue ?
According to these points what should be the correct answer ?
Please help me in understanding the Algorithm.
Following gantt chart depicts the process to be allocated to CPU at each time instant.
It may be seen that at time instant 1, two processes are available P1 (just allocated to CPU but with remaining burst time) and P2 (just arrived). P2 will be added to the ready queue followed by P1 at the tail. Same explanation holds whenever there is a conflict giving preference to newly arrived process to be added to tail followed by process which has been just allocated to CPU with remaining burst time.