What is the difference between abstract class and interface in Python?
What you'll see sometimes is the following:
class Abstract1:
"""Some description that tells you it's abstract,
often listing the methods you're expected to supply."""
def aMethod(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Should have implemented this")
Because Python doesn't have (and doesn't need) a formal Interface contract, the Java-style distinction between abstraction and interface doesn't exist. If someone goes through the effort to define a formal interface, it will also be an abstract class. The only differences would be in the stated intent in the docstring.
And the difference between abstract and interface is a hairsplitting thing when you have duck typing.
Java uses interfaces because it doesn't have multiple inheritance.
Because Python has multiple inheritance, you may also see something like this
class SomeAbstraction:
pass # lots of stuff - but missing something
class Mixin1:
def something(self):
pass # one implementation
class Mixin2:
def something(self):
pass # another
class Concrete1(SomeAbstraction, Mixin1):
class Concrete2(SomeAbstraction, Mixin2):
This uses a kind of abstract superclass with mixins to create concrete subclasses that are disjoint.