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createing sub matrix/dataframe R

Question about dataframe manipulations. not HW, although I will phrase it as a HW problem. I know there is a 3 line way of doing this but I can't seem to find it.

I have a dataframe A with 10 columns and a thousand rows, it's filled with some data. I have a 1-column matrix B with 1 column and a thousand rows, it's filled by 1 and 0 (TRUE or FALSE).

Goal: create a new dataframe C that contains only the rows in A that had a TRUE value in the equivalent index of matrix C.

(More clarification in case its not clear) I performed operations on A, stored the result (true or false) in a column dataframe (of same length of course) and now wish to extract that into its own matrix.
The size of the new matrix is sum(B) X 10 (just a logical deduction)

Thank you for reading! Your help is appreciated.


Dataframe A

Name   State   metric1 metric2

Joe     MA      23       25
Moe     AZ      123      2971
Bo      CA      938      387
Yo      UT       1        3

matrix B


Desired Output (dataframe C)

Name   State   metric1 metric2

Joe     MA      23       25
Bo      CA      938      387


  • Why not simply

    A <- data.frame(cbind(A=1:10,B=21:30,C=41:50))
    B <- data.frame(D=rep(c(TRUE,FALSE),5))
    C <- A[B$D,]


    > A
        A  B  C
    1   1 21 41
    2   2 22 42
    3   3 23 43
    4   4 24 44
    5   5 25 45
    6   6 26 46
    7   7 27 47
    8   8 28 48
    9   9 29 49
    10 10 30 50
    > B
    1   TRUE
    2  FALSE
    3   TRUE
    4  FALSE
    5   TRUE
    6  FALSE
    7   TRUE
    8  FALSE
    9   TRUE
    10 FALSE
    > C
      A  B  C
    1 1 21 41
    3 3 23 43
    5 5 25 45
    7 7 27 47
    9 9 29 49

    EDIT after OP's edit

    A <- data.frame(cbind(name=c("Joe",  "Moe",   "Bo" ,  "Yo"),
                          metric1 = c(23,123,938,1),
                          metric2 = c(25,2971,387,3)))
    B <- c(1,0,1,0)
    C <- A[B==1,]


    > C
      name State metric1 metric2
    1  Joe    MA      23      25
    3   Bo    CA     938     387