I am trying to copy a large file (about 4gb) from my local PC and paste it on a cloud PC through a remote connection. I get an unpecified error whenever I try to copy paste it the normal way, and according to this the problem is because only files smaller than 2gb are supported.
I am trying to use the alternative method 2 in that link to get the file through, but I am getting an error in the console.
It says to use
xcopy \\tsclient\c\myfiles\LargeFile d:\temp
So I put
xcopy \\tsclient\C:\R2 2012 Microsoft Server ISO\ServerR2 2012 d:\temp
"C:\R2 2012 Microsoft Server ISO\ServerR2 2012" being the path of my file on my local machine.
But I get the error
Invalid number of parameters
I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, does anyone have experience using this command for file copying?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
So I couldnt find a way to get the copy/paste to work with the large files, instead I used a BitTorrent Sync(similar to drop box) to upload the files to the server.