I am looking to an opencv function (in python) detecting the line left ear - chin - right ear (that looks like a parabol) on human faces. Is there any kind of haarcascade doing this job? I already know the frontal face or the eyes haarcascades but I am looking for something more precise.
what you are looking for is called face landmark detection . You can try DLIB . DLIB is written in C++ but it also have a python wrapper .Install Instructions
Now using DLib you can achieve this
import cv2
import dlib
import numpy
PREDICTOR_PATH = "/home/zed/dlib/files/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(PREDICTOR_PATH)
cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascade_path)
# #This is using the Dlib Face Detector . Better result more time taking
# def get_landmarks(im):
# rects = detector(im, 1)
# rect=rects[0]
# print type(rect.width())
# fwd=int(rect.width())
# if len(rects) == 0:
# return None,None
# return np.matrix([[p.x, p.y] for p in predictor(im, rects[0]).parts()]),fwd
def get_landmarks(im):
rects = cascade.detectMultiScale(im, 1.3,5)
x,y,w,h =rects[0]
return numpy.matrix([[p.x, p.y] for p in predictor(im, rect).parts()])
def annotate_landmarks(im, landmarks):
im = im.copy()
for idx, point in enumerate(landmarks):
pos = (point[0, 0], point[0, 1])
cv2.putText(im, str(idx), pos,
color=(0, 0, 255))
cv2.circle(im, pos, 3, color=(0, 255, 255))
return im
FACE_POINTS = list(range(17, 68))
MOUTH_POINTS = list(range(48, 61))
RIGHT_BROW_POINTS = list(range(17, 22))
LEFT_BROW_POINTS = list(range(22, 27))
RIGHT_EYE_POINTS = list(range(36, 42))
LEFT_EYE_POINTS = list(range(42, 48))
NOSE_POINTS = list(range(27, 35))
JAW_POINTS = list(range(0, 17))