My app needs Renderscript since it performs some image processing that would take several seconds in Java. Before publishing I have tested it on a number of devices, even some older models (e.g. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, API 17), and the app worked quite well, even on these devices. From this, I didn't see a reason to set the minimum API higher than 17. Now, some weeks after publishing on Google Play I see that the app crashes on certain devices such as Galaxy S3 (m0) with API 17 or Galaxy S3 Mini Value Edition (goldenvess3g) with API 18. Error loading RS jni library: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: unknown failure
As such that is not surprising, since I knew about certain processor types that do not support Renderscript or other device specific issues that can cause problems. Questions:
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
According to android.renderscript documentation, it is available since API level 11. Since your min API level is 17, I would recommend to use it instead of
Support library APIs are meant to be used if one is targeting devices running lower versions of Android, which, apparently, is not the case for you.