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maven import pom (BOM) own project from internal maven repository

We are trying to group maven dependencies inside a seperate maven POM-typed project.

We would like to use this as both a POM-type dependency inside the dependencies node aswell as a BOM (Bill of Materials) inside the de dependencyManagement.

We have an 2 repository inside the company. (Apache Archiva - 2.2.0). One of them is for Snapshots and one of them for releases.

When I try to use the snapshot version, everything works fine, but when i want to use the released version, i keep getting an error because it keeps looking for the dependency inside the central maven repository (where our pom is not located)

To me it seems like the POM-dependency is being searched inside the snapshot repository only.



[ERROR]     Non-resolvable import POM: Failure to find my.groupid:bla-slf4j-logback-BOM:pom:1.0.1 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced @ line 234, column 22 -> [Help 2]

used command:

mvn dependency:tree
  • maven version: Apache Maven 3.2.2
  • archiva version: Apache Archiva - 2.2.0

I checked our archiva, the artifact is present at the expected location. I also checked the local maven directory, the pom dependency was downloaded correctly.

Any ideas why this doesn't work for a released version of our POM-project (1.0.1), but does work for a Snapshot version (1.0.1-SNAPSHOT) of our POM-project.


  • The solution was to add the following block of xml to the maven settings.xml file.

            <name>our central</name>

    This causes it to check our internal maven repository as the central maven repository. (our maven repository has the default central repository as remote repository)

    Special thanks to: Hisham kh