I have seen a set of duplicates for this question but was unable to solve the issue.
I have a controller and during the controller initialization, fetchtemplate() is getting called first and then my mock fetchtemplate() is getting called.
How do I stop the actual(controller) fetchtemplate() getting called during the controller initialization? My intention is to mock the function fetchtemplate() in my spec.Please have a look at my spec -
beforeEach(inject(function($controller,...) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
this.init = function() {
$controller('ChangeControlCreateController', {
$scope: scope
describe('Function', function() {
it("-- check for trueness",function(){
this.init() ; //Initialization of the controller
spyOn(scope,'fetchtemplate').and.callFake(function() {
return 101;
var fakeResponse = scope.fetchtemplate();
I have tried placing the spyOn before the this.init()
which gave error as the fetchtemplate()
doesn't exist at that time to spyOn.
My controller code structure looks like -
angular.module('...', [...])
.controller('ChangeControlCreateController', ["$scope"...,
function ChangeControlCreateController($scope,...) {
$scope.fetchtemplate = function() {
console.log("controller's function");
The result what I am getting is - First the console item "controller's function" and then the spec is executing with mock function. I want the mock function to execute without the controller's function to execute
So if I understand correctly you are doing some call to a function that is doing something you want to prevent for test purposes. Probably an http call or some thing of the sort ?
Whatever it is doing the proper way to handle something like that is usually to put that method inside a service instead and then to spy on that service method. Here is an example of test if the service is TemplateService :
var $controller, scope, TemplateService, YourController;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _TemplateService_, ...) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
$controller = _$controller_;
TemplateService = _TemplateService_;
it("-- check for trueness",function(){
YourController = $controller('YourController');
I hope that's helpful