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Removing blank spaces

My requirement is remove blank line from the address. I am doing it like this:

=Ucase(REPLACE(REPLACE(Fields!Address.Value, CHR(13), ""), CHR(10), ""))


It removes the blank line, however the line-breaks is inserted into the middle of the zip code:

Hamilton, ON L8R



  • You need to replace the correct character to remove the line.

    Try =UCASE(REPLACE(Fields!Address.Value, VBCRLF, ""))

    That will replace all line feeds, if you only want to replace line feeds where there is an empty line you will need to look for VBCRLF + VBCRLF

    =UCASE(REPLACE(Fields!Address.Value, VBCRLF + VBCRLF, VBCRLF))

    This answer provides an alternative method of achieving the same result.