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correctly set CMake variables when adding yaml-cpp to existing project

I've added the yaml-cpp git repository as a submodule and add it to my CMake project using add_subdirectory.

Everything's fine but I have to set YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR and YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES manually to use them for my own targets.

Because there is a file yaml-cpp-config.cmake (generated in the build folder) setting these variables I tried to just include it:


but then I get:

CMake Error at /bla/bla/build/yaml-cpp/yaml-cpp-config.cmake:11 (include):
  The file


  was generated by the export() command.  It may not be used as the argument
  to the include() command.  Use ALIAS targets instead to refer to targets by
  alternative names.

I really don't understand this message. How would I provide my targets with the yaml-cpp include directories and libraries without having to set a hard coded variable?

I'm not searching for a way to correctly include() the file in case it doesn't have to be done. I'm just interested in how I should provide the desired information to my targets.

Unfortunately yaml-cpp seems to not make use of target_include_directories() which would set the include directories automatically where needed.


  • From description of export command:

    Create a file <filename> that may be included by outside projects to import targets from the current project’s build tree.

    Note to "outside" word: this is why you get the error message while trying to include the file from the same project, which issues export command.

    Correct way to use yaml-cpp-config.cmake file would be building yaml-cpp outside of your project. For example, you may use ExternalProject_Add in conjunction with execute_process for build yaml-cpp as part of configuration stage of your project, see more about this approach here.

    Then you may include given file to your project with find_package:

    find_package(yaml-cpp PATHS <yaml-cpp-build-dir>)

    Note, that yaml-cpp-config.cmake in binary directory describes build state of yaml-cpp project.

    If you want to install libraries/executables from your project, you are better to install yaml-cpp, and include corresponded file from its installation directory:

    find_package(yaml-cpp PATHS <yaml-cpp-install-dir>)