Due to my low reputation point, I can't comment. So i'm extending this question: Disabling User dragging on BottomSheet
The solution provided by Ray W works but now it expands by sliding and dragging on parent view (CoordinatorLayout).
In that image, if I drag on "Unwanted Drag Area", BottomSheet slides up. How can I filtered out or stop the touch events on unwanted view?
Change the onInterceptTouchEvent function return value from Ray W solution to this:
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, MotionEvent event) {
return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(parent, child, event) && mAllowUserDragging;
One more thing, if you have a ListView in BottomSheetLayout, then scrolling items in ListView will change the bottomSheetBehavior state to "STATE_DRAGGING" from "STATE_EXPANDED". Sample code piece:
public void onBackPressed() {
if(isBottomViewOpen){ // set this bool in behavior callback
}else {