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Control not rendering in MVC view

Before getting flack about using ascx controls in MVC let me preface that this is not what I would like to do! However the powers above me would like to continue to use the ascx control.

I started by using the following in my controller:

public ActionResult _CreditReporting(int id)
    return PartialView();

public static class myClass
    public static string GenerateHtmlFromYourControl(this HtmlHelper helper, string contId)
        var credControl = new _person_creditreporting_control();

        credControl.ID = contId;

        var htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter());


        return htmlWriter.InnerWriter.ToString();

and the following in my view

@using ds_iDMS.Controllers

Everything seems to be working properly and all the parameters are being passed etc. The ascx page is not rendering however and I am not sure why


  • I would change the view to

    @using ds_iDMS.Controllers

    Phil Haack has a good quick reference guide to different bits of the razor syntax. it might be a little outdated by now, but it is still a very useful overview.