Currently the NuGet Packager VSTS Build Step seems to not support *.VBPROJ files, so it looks like the only alternative will be to use *.NUSPEC files.
However, I'm unfamiliar with how to automatically create a *.NUSPEC file on the server at build time.
Is this a problem that other VB developers have solved somehow?
In fact, you can use vbproj file to generate nuget package with "NuGet Packager" task, it can work:
And for your question, the nuspec file can be generated from the vbproj file or dll file of your build output by run "nuget spec" command, so you can add a "Command Line" task in your build definition to call nuget command to do this as following:
You can also change "spec" to "pack" to generate nuget package file from the command directly. Refer to this link for details: Creating and Publishing a Package.