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SQL query to reconstruct inherited EAV model

I have 5 tables in my database representing an inherited EAV model:

CREATE TABLE AttributeNames
    ("ID" int, "Name" varchar(8))

INSERT INTO AttributeNames
    ("ID", "Name")
    (1, 'Color'),
    (2, 'FuelType'),
    (3, 'Doors'),
    (4, 'Price')

    ("ID" int, "Name" varchar(10))

    ("ID", "Name")
    (5, 'BMW'),
    (6, 'Audi'),
    (7, 'Ford')

CREATE TABLE MasterCarAttributes
    ("ID" int, "AttributeNameId" int, "Value" varchar(10), "MasterCarId" int)

INSERT INTO MasterCarAttributes
    ("ID", "AttributeNameId", "Value", "MasterCarId")
    (100, 1, 'Red', 5),
    (101, 2, 'Gas', 5),
    (102, 3, '4', 5),
    (102, 4, '$100K', 5),
    (103, 1, 'Blue', 6),
    (104, 2, 'Diesel', 6),
    (105, 3, '3', 6),
    (106, 4, '$80k', 6),
    (107, 1, 'Green', 7),
    (108, 2, 'Diesel', 7),
    (109, 3, '5', 7),
    (110, 4, '$60k', 7)

    ("ID" int, "MasterCarId" int)

    ("ID", "MasterCarId")
    (8, '5'),
    (9, '6'),
    (10, NULL)

CREATE TABLE LocalCarAttributes
    ("ID" int, "AttributeNameId" int, "Value" varchar(6), "LocalCarId" int)

INSERT INTO LocalCarAttributes
    ("ID", "AttributeNameId", "Value", "LocalCarId")
    (43, 1, 'Yellow', 8),
    (44, 3, '6', 9),
    (45, 1, 'Red', 10),
    (46, 2, 'Gas', 10),
    (47, 3, '2', 10),
    (48, 4, '$60k', 10)

I can retrieve all of master car attributes as follows:

SELECT MC.ID, MCA.AttributeNameId, MCA.Value
FROM MasterCars MC
left join MasterCarAttributes MCA on MC.ID = MCA.MasterCarId
order by MC.ID;

Likewise, I can retrieve all of the local car attributes as follows:

SELECT LC.ID, LCA.AttributeNameId, LCA.Value
FROM LocalCars LC
left join LocalCarAttributes LCA on LC.ID = LCA.LocalCarId
order by LC.ID;

If LocalCars.MasterCarId is not NULL, then that local car can inherit the attributes of that master car. A local car attribute with the same AttributeNameId overrides any master attribute with the same AttributeNameId.

So given the data above, I have 3 local cars each with 4 attributes (color, fuelType, doors, price). Inherited attribute values in bold:

Local Car Id = 1 (Yellow, Gas, 4, $100K)

Local Car Id = 2 (Blue, Diesel, 6, $80k)

Local Car Id = 3 (Red, Gas, 2, $60k)

I'm trying to find the necessary joins required to join the two queries above together to give a complete set of local cars attributes, some inherited:

LocalCarId    AttributeNameId     Value
1             1                   Yellow
1             2                   Gas
1             3                   4
1             4                   $100K
2             1                   Blue
2             2                   Diesel
2             3                   6
2             4                   $80K
3             1                   Red
3             2                   Gas
3             3                   2
3             4                   $60K

or possibly even:

LocalCarId    AttributeNameId     LocalValue         MasterValue
    1             1                   Yellow        Red
    1             2                   NULL          Gas
    1             3                   NULL          4
    1             4                   NULL          $100K
    2             1                   NULL          Blue
    2             2                   NULL          Diesel
    2             3                   6             3
    2             4                   NULL          $80K
    3             1                   Red           NULL
    3             2                   Gas           NULL
    3             3                   2             NULL
    3             4                   $60K          NULL


  • The problem can be solved by performing a union on all of your local car attributes and master car attributes. Each record is marked with an [IsMasterAttribute] flag. The next step is then use the ROW_NUMBER() window function to rank each of the duplicate attributes. The final step is to only select attributes which has a rank of 1.

        ;WITH CTE_CombinedAttributes
            SELECT               1 AS IsMasterAttribute
                                ,MC.ID AS MasterCarId
            FROM                 MasterCars MC
            LEFT OUTER JOIN     MasterCarAttributes MCA on MC.ID = MCA.MasterCarId
            INNER JOIN          LocalCars LC ON LC.MasterCarId = MC.ID
            UNION ALL
            SELECT               0 AS IsMasterAttribute
            FROM                LocalCars LC
            LEFT OUTER JOIN     LocalCarAttributes LCA on LC.ID = LCA.LocalCarId
            SELECT   [IsMasterAttribute]
                    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [ID], [AttributeNameId] ORDER BY [IsMasterAttribute]) AS [AttributeRank]
            FROM    CTE_CombinedAttributes
        SELECT       [IsMasterAttribute]
        FROM        CTE_RankedAttributes
        WHERE       [AttributeRank] = 1
        ORDER BY    [ID]

    The second output is also possible by performing a simple pivot on the final result:

        ;WITH CTE_CombinedAttributes
            SELECT               1 AS IsMasterAttribute
                                ,MC.ID AS MasterCarId
            FROM                 MasterCars MC
            LEFT OUTER JOIN     MasterCarAttributes MCA on MC.ID = MCA.MasterCarId
            INNER JOIN          LocalCars LC ON LC.MasterCarId = MC.ID
            UNION ALL
            SELECT               0 AS IsMasterAttribute
            FROM                LocalCars LC
            LEFT OUTER JOIN     LocalCarAttributes LCA on LC.ID = LCA.LocalCarId
            SELECT   [IsMasterAttribute]
                    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [ID], [AttributeNameId] ORDER BY [IsMasterAttribute]) AS [AttributeRank]
            FROM    CTE_CombinedAttributes
        SELECT       [ID]
                        CASE [IsMasterAttribute]
                            WHEN 0 THEN [Value]
                     ) AS LocalValue
                        CASE [IsMasterAttribute]
                            WHEN 1 THEN [Value]
                     ) AS MasterValue
        FROM        CTE_RankedAttributes
        GROUP BY    [ID], [AttributeNameId]
        ORDER BY    [ID]