I was wondering is there a way to put titles on MATLAB plots with text and num2str elements separated by manually specified spaces.
Here I can do it in multiple lines as below for instance:
title({['a1 =' num2str(a1)],['a2 =' num2str(a2)],['$\varphi_1$ =' num2str(phi1)],['$\varphi_2$ =' num2str(phi2)],['$\varphi_3$ =' num2str(phi3)]},'Interpreter','LaTex')
But how can I keep elements in one line with manually specified spaces in between.
Only have one set of square brackets and lose the curly braces, and use spaces within the strings where you want additional space.
title(['a1 =' num2str(a1) ' a2 =' num2str(a2) ' ....
$\varphi_1$ =' num2str(phi1) ' $\varphi_2$ =' num2str(phi2) ' ...
$\varphi_3$='num2str(phi3)], ...