Thank you in advance. I am beginner in Lead acid batteries.
Actually I Am using solar energy to charge my 12v sealed lead acid battery. and the thing is I need continuous monitoring of my battery voltage. I used a voltage divider to do that.
Now my Question is, Can I connect voltage divider continuously to the battery?
And the calculated voltage is fluctuating, how to reduce this fluctuations?
Thank you.
Yes you can connect the battery continuously to the voltage divider. Make sure you use very big resistors. Current output = V/R . so if you want I<0.1mA you want 0.1mA < 12/R. This means you must use Resistors in the Mega Ohm range.
To reduce fluctuations you can average the voltage readings. A simple scaled average would work nicely.
V[0] = 0.4V[-1] + 0.3V[-2] + 0.2[V-3] + 0.1V[-4].
this will smooth out your readings.