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Is possible to property to a message in ExpectedException?

I'm trying to validate the exception and message returned, but i have a file name in this message that is variable. Is possible to do that using unit test in just one method?

public static string FileName
                return "EXT_RF_ITAUVEST_201605091121212";

        [ExpectedException(typeof(Exception), String.Format("Error on file {0}", FileName))]
        public void ValidarNomeArquivo_DataNomeIncorreta_Mensagem()
            throw new Exception(String.Format("Error on file {0}", FileName));

The code above return the error "An attribute argument must be constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type.".


  • In your situation I would not use ExpectedException and instead just manually do the logic it does.

        public static string FileName
                return "EXT_RF_ITAUVEST_201605091121212";
        public void ValidarNomeArquivo_DataNomeIncorreta_Mensagem()
            //This try block must contain the entire function's logic, 
            // nothing can go after it to get the same behavor as ExpectedException.
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Error on file {0}", FileName));
                //This line must be the last line of the try block.
                Assert.Fail("No exception thrown");
            catch(Exception e)
                //This is the "AllowDerivedTypes=false" check. If you had done AllowDerivedTypes=true you can delete this check.
                if(e.GetType() != typeof(Exception))
                if(e.Message != String.Format("Error on file {0}", FileName))
                //Do nothing here