I use angular and angular-confirm
I made an interface with a list of buttons. http://awesomescreenshot.com/0465v52t3e
On each button there is a confirm like this :
<button ng-click="..." class="btn btn-lg btn-invisible" type="button"
confirm="{{'Realy want to add it ?'|translate}}" >
<span aria-hidden="false" class="glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked"></span>
There is a lot of buttons in the list so if the user needs to click for example 10 of them, the confirm message will be boring after 2/3 times.
Is there a way to display inside the confirm modal a button for "ok i understand, stop showing confirm" and on other button click confirm will not show.
It is on same idea that how modern web browser handle popup .
You can override $confirmModalDefaults
(to change confirm template and controller) and use confirm-if
Or you can write your own confirm - https://github.com/Schlogen/angular-confirm/blob/master/angular-confirm.js is just ~100 rows.