I have Node class whice is friend with a BinaryTree class that contains an element of type Node. I want to make a BinareTree of any types, so i'm using templates on both of the classes. Like in this code :
template <class T>
class Node
T value;
Node<T> *left, *right;
friend template <typename T> class BinaryTree; // here is the problem
template <class Y>
class BinaryTree{...};
What syntax do I need to you in the declaration of the friend class BinaryTree if i will use it as a template? My goal is to be able to write:
BinareTree<int> tree;
Is there any better method this that I thought of? Thanks !
If you lookup the syntax for template friends, you'll find the right way to do it:
class A {
template<typename T>
friend class B; // every B<T> is a friend of A
template<typename T>
friend void f(T) {} // every f<T> is a friend of A
Although you probably just want to friend the specific one:
friend class BinaryTree<T>;