I have a script which uses find and chgrp/chmod
to recursively set certain permissions and group on a directory which is specified in $1
To extract the group of this target directory, I use
mygrp = ${stat -c %G $mydir}
But executed under bash
, this generates an error:
${stat -c %G $mydir}: bad substitution
Running the command plainly as
stat -c %G $mydir
Extracts the group correctly, by I can't seem to get it into the mygrp
You should have been doing
$(stat -c %G "$mydir")
instead of
${stat -c %G $mydir}
You should put $mydir
in double quotes given that directory name may be non-standard , say they contain newlines. If the line were
$(stat -c %G $mydir)
then :
$ ./your_script_name "dir
would fail with :
stat: cannot stat `dir': No such file or directory
stat: cannot stat `37190290': No such file or directory