i have this type of code
module PhotosHelper
def photo_default_image_url(photo)
if photo.image_url == "/assets/image.jpg"
URI.join(root_url, "/assets/image.jpg")
and image code is
<img src="<%= photo_default_image_url(@photo) %>">
its working fine for development mood.
i got url like this for image
but its not working in production mood
i got url like this for image
please help me to solve this. thank you
Did you precomple your assets.As in production
,the rails looks for assets
in public
folder and not in assets
folder.i might be wrong but it can be because of asset pipeline.You can resolve this by manually adding the image in public
folder and then running rake assets:precompile
so that it is available in public
Morever,for the same stuff to handle default picture,you can use my code as well.
###in picture.rb
## belongs_to :user
MISSING_PICTURE_URL = '/assets/picture_missing.png'
##in user.rb
##has_many :pictures
def get_picture_url
self.pictures.exists? ? self.pictures.sample.picture.expiring_url(:medium) : Picture::MISSING_PICTURE_URL
so i can easily use @user.get_picture_url
and it works great.
Also one more thing to note here,i am using use exists? and not present?