I have the following grammar:
expr : factor op ;
: '+' factor op
| // Blank rule for left-recursion elimination
| '(' expr ')'
NUM : ('0'..'9')+ ;
I supply 2 + 3
, using expr
as the start rule. The resulting parse tree from ANTLR is correct; however, I think I am misunderstanding the shift-reduce methods it uses.
I would expect the following to happen:
Step # | Parse Stack | Lookahead | Unscanned | Action
1 | | NUM | + 3 | Shift
2 | NUM | + | 3 | Reduce by factor -> NUM
3 | factor | + | 3 | Shift a 'null'?
4 | factor null | + | 3 | Reduce by op -> null
5 | factor op | + | 3 | Reduce by expr -> factor op
6 | expr | + | 3 | Shift
7 | expr + | NUM | | Shift
8 | expr + NUM | | | Reduce by factor -> NUM
9 | expr + factor | | | ERROR (no production)
I would've expected an error to occur at step 3 wherin the parser would shift
a null
onto the stack as a prerequisite to reduce
ing the factor "up" to an expr
Does ANTLR only shift a null
when it's strictly "required" because the resulting reduce
will satisfy the grammar?
It seems to me that ANTLR doesn't use a shift-reduce parser; the generated parsers are recursive descent using an arbitrary amount of lookahead.
The steps of the parser would be something like:
Rule | Consummed | Input
expr | | 2 + 3
..factor | | 2 + 3
....NUM | 2 | + 3
..op | 2 | + 3
....'+' | 2 + | 3
....factor | 2 + | 3
......NUM | 2 + 3 |
....op | 2 + 3 |
......(empty) | 2 + 3 |
From what I read about ANTLR, you could achieve the same result with the following changes to the original grammar:
expr: factor op*;
op: '+' factor;