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In a fluid template, how to output the linked file's size?

In a fluid template, I would like to output a linked file's size.

I'm using to link to the file, as I think this is the way to do it (please correct if not).

< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</>

As I'm already using the extension ml_links on the site, I thought I could pass the link through lib.parseFunc_RTE, but

<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc_RTE">< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</></f:format.html>

just wraps it into p.bodytext.

Do I have to use a different syntax to apply f:format.html TO - or is there a better way to do it (via a fluid or vhs viewhelper)?


  • When i use fluidcontent i have vhs extension installed aswell and then just use:

    <f:format.bytes decimals="1">{v:media.size(path: '{file}')}</f:format.bytes>

    This outputs clean readable sizes like "28.2 MB".