I want to load an entity and it's children conditionally (I only want to eager load the children when the child.IsActive == true). How do I perform the following?
var parent =
from p in db.tblParents.Include("tblChildren") <-- where tblChildren.IsActive == true
where p.PrimaryKey == 1
select p;
NOTE: I do not want to return an anonymous type.
One way for doing so is:
var parent = from p in db.tblParents where p.PrimaryKey == 1
select new {
Parent = p,
Children = p.tblChildren.Where(c => c.IsActive == true)
However, you might not like the idea to return an anonymous type, then I would suggest to code it this way:
var parent = (from p in db.tblParents where p.PrimaryKey == 1).Single();
var childrens = ctx.Contacts.Where(c => c.ParentID == 1 && c.IsActive == true);
foreach (var child in childrens) {