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Using varchar in a control file for sqlldr

I have a process that dynamically creates the CTL file through a sql query. And I have to have the file name inserted into the oracle table. I am able to get the filename to show on the query, but it keeps rejecting it. Do ctls only accept numbers? Because if I hard code it to a number it will work. If i hard code it to a varchar, it will reject it. How can i get the filename to be inserted while being loaded?

           '  LEAD_TIME,' || chr (10) ||
       '  DELIVERY_TIME,' || chr (10) ||
       '  DELIVERY_NO,' || chr (10) ||
       '  FREQUENCY,' || chr (10) ||
       '  FREQUENCY_UNIT,' || chr (10) ||
       '  MODE_TYPE,' || chr (10) ||
       '  AUDIT_LOG_ID "' || MAX(audit_log_id) || '",' || chr (10) ||
       '  STAGING_STATUS_ID "1",' || chr (10) ||
       '  FILENAME "&fname",' || chr (10) ||
       '  LINENO SEQUENCE(1)' || chr (10) ||
       ' )' || chr (10)
   from   audit_log
   where filename_orig = '&fname';

spool off

Here is the output from running sqlldr. It correctly shows the filename, but still rejects the entry.

       Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- ---------------------
VENDOR                              FIRST     *   ,       CHARACTER
COMM_CONTRACT                        NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
SERV_CONTRACT                        NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
ADDR_CHAIN                           NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
STORE                                NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
SITE_GROUP                           NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
START_DATE                           NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
END_DATE                             NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
ORDER_DAY                            NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
ORDER_TIME                           NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
LEAD_TIME                            NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
DELIVERY_TIME                        NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
DELIVERY_NO                          NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
FREQUENCY                            NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
FREQUENCY_UNIT                       NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
MODE_TYPE                            NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
AUDIT_LOG_ID                         NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
    SQL string for column : "26004459"
STAGING_STATUS_ID                    NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
    SQL string for column : "1"
FILENAME                             NEXT     *   ,       CHARACTER
    SQL string for column : "filenamexxx.csv"
LINENO                                                    SEQUENCE (1, 1)

value used for ROWS parameter changed from 64 to 51

  0 Rows successfully loaded.
  6 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
  0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
  0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.


  • You should be seeing errors like ORA-00984: column not allowed here. The filenamexxx.csv is being seen as a column name rather than a value, because it isn't quoted; you can change it to be generated as:

    FILENAME "'filenamexxx.csv'"

    and to do that your query has escaped single quotes around the substitution variable:

           '  FILENAME "''&fname"'',' || chr (10) ||

    or if you prefer, the alternative quoting mechanism:

           q'[  FILENAME "'&fname"',]' || chr (10) ||