I'm trying to simplify a method that adds an additional entry to a range of arrays. Here is the current script:
private static void AddEntryToSettingsArrays()
string[] Temparray1 = GlobalVariables.Array1; // Copys the setting array "1" to a temporary array.
int[] Temparray2 = GlobalVariables.Array2; // Copys the setting array "2" to a temporary array.
GlobalVariables.ArrayCount++; // Increments the Array count by one.
GlobalVariables.Array1 = new string[GlobalVariables.ArrayCount]; // Clears array "1" and creates a new array with the new array count.
GlobalVariables.Array2 = new int[GlobalVariables.ArrayCount]; // Clears array "2" and creates a new array with the new array count.
for (int ArrayID = 0; ArrayID < GlobalVariables.ArrayCount - 1; ArrayID++) //Loops through the arrays until the next to last array is reached.
GlobalVariables.Array1[ArrayID] = Temparray1[ArrayID]; // Copys the "1" temporary array back to the global array.
GlobalVariables.Array2[ArrayID] = Temparray2[ArrayID]; // Copys the "2" temporary array back to the global array.
Depending on the range of arrays this this method is getting f... big and difficult to manage.
To simplify the function i have created an dictionary of the possible arrays:
private static BatchArraysDictionary CreateBatchArrayDictionary()
BatchArraysDictionary PossibleBatchArrays = new BatchArraysDictionary(); // Creates a new "Batch Array Dictionary".
PossibleBatchArrays.Add(nameof(GlobalVariables.Array1), GlobalVariables.Array1.GetType());
PossibleBatchArrays.Add(nameof(GlobalVariables.Array2), GlobalVariables.Array2.GetType());
return PossibleBatchArrays;
Now I'm trying to use that dictionary to simplified that function:
private static void AddEntryToSettingsArrays()
BatchArraysDictionary CurrentArrays = CreateBatchArrayDictionary();
GlobalVariables.ArrayCount++; // Increments the folder count by one.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Type> CurrentArray in CurrentArrays)
Type CurrentType = CurrentArray.Value;
var TempArray = typeof(GlobalVariables).GetField(CurrentArray.Key).GetValue(CurrentType);
var GlobalArray = new CurrentType[GlobalVariables.ArrayCount]; // Getting the is a 'Type' but is used like a 'Variable' Error here...
for(int ArrayID = 0; ArrayID < GlobalVariables.ArrayCount - 1; ArrayID++) //Loops through the Folders until the next to last folder is reached.
// Not sure what to do here jet (What's the equivalent to "GlobalVariables.Array1[ArrayID] = Temparray1[ArrayID];")
But I'm getting a "is a 'Type' but is used like a 'Variable'" Error on line 10. Additionally I have not a clue jet how to set the global variable like in:
GlobalVariables.Array1[ArrayID] = Temparray1[ArrayID];
Maybe someone of you can help me with my problem.
---------------- Update 2016-05-11:
I have tried to improve my method but know I'm getting Invalid Cast Exceptions or Access violations. (Depending on the type of variable)
private static void AddEntryToSettingsArrays()
BatchArraysDictionary CurrentArrays = CreateBatchArrayDictionary();
GlobalVariables.FolderCount++; // Increments the folder count by one.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Type> CurrentArray in CurrentArrays)
Type ArrayType = CurrentArray.Value;
//Console.WriteLine("Array Type (Stored): " + ArrayType);
FieldInfo TempArrayField = typeof(GlobalVariables).GetField(CurrentArray.Key);
//Console.WriteLine("Array Type (Field): " + TempArrayField.GetValue(typeof(GlobalVariables)));
dynamic[] TempSourceArray = (dynamic[])TempArrayField.GetValue(typeof(GlobalVariables));
//Console.WriteLine("Array loaded.");
dynamic[] TempDestinationArray = new dynamic[GlobalVariables.FolderCount];
//Console.WriteLine("New Array created.");
for (int ArrayID = 0; ArrayID < GlobalVariables.FolderCount - 1; ArrayID++) //Loops through the Folders until the next to last folder is reached.
TempDestinationArray[ArrayID] = TempSourceArray[ArrayID];
//Console.WriteLine("Array ID " + ArrayID + " was copied to new array");
//Console.WriteLine("Copyprccess finished.");
//Console.WriteLine("Testentry:" + TempDestinationArray[0]);
TempArrayField.SetValue(typeof(GlobalVariables), Convert.ChangeType(TempDestinationArray, ArrayType));
I have tried to convert the current array to a dynamic variable but setting but setting the new value on the last line...
TempArrayField.SetValue(typeof(GlobalVariables), Convert.ChangeType(TempDestinationArray, ArrayType));
...fails with an invalid cast exception.
Additionally if the array is of type int[] or bool[] it already fails at line...
dynamic[] TempSourceArray = (dynamic[])TempArrayField.GetValue(typeof(GlobalVariables));
with an "Access violation".
Maybe I made clear now what's I'm trying to achieve.
For everyone who is curious, I found a solution for my problem.
Here is what I came up with:
First of all I changed my dictionary of arrays to a list, because just the names are needed now:
/// <summary>
/// Class that contain the names of arrays used to save settings.
/// </summary>
private class ArrayNamesList : List<string>
/// <summary>
/// Adds an array name to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="GlobalVariableName">Name of the array variable.</param>
internal new void Add(string GlobalVariableName)
Used like in this method:
/// <summary>
/// Method that creates a list of possible batch setting array names.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns a list of possible batch setting array names.</returns>
private static ArrayNamesList CreateArrayDictionary()
BatchArrayNamesList PossibleBatchArrays = new BatchArrayNamesList(); // Creates a new "Batch Array Names List".
PossibleBatchArrays.Add(nameof(GlobalVariables.ArrayOne)); // Adds the setting "1" name to the List.
PossibleBatchArrays.Add(nameof(GlobalVariables.ArrayTwo)); // Adds the setting "2" name to the List.
// ...
return PossibleBatchArrays;
Then I have created two functions to extend an array and remove an entry from an array:
/// <summary>
/// Function that increases an array of unknown type to a certain length.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CurrentArray">The array that needs to be increased in size.</param>
/// <param name="NewArraySize">The new size of the array.</param>
private static void ArrayResize(ref Array CurrentArray, int NewArraySize)
if (CurrentArray.Length < NewArraySize) // Checks if the new array size is larger than the old size.
Type elementType = CurrentArray.GetType().GetElementType(); // Gets the type of the arrays elements.
Array newArray = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, NewArraySize); // Creats a new array with the new length.
Array.Copy(CurrentArray, newArray, CurrentArray.Length); // Transfers the data from the old array to the new array.
CurrentArray = newArray; // Replaces the old array with the new array.
Debugging.ErrorHandling.ErrorHandler("The new array size is not larger than the old array size.", 1201); // Creates an event log entry and error messagebox if application is run with gui.
Used like in this method:
/// <summary>
/// Method that adds a new empty entry to all setting arrays.
/// </summary>
private static void AddEntryToSettingsArrays()
ArrayNamesList CurrentArrays = CreateArrayDictionary(); // Creates a list of the currently used setting arrays.
GlobalVariables.FolderCount++; // Increments the folder count by one.
foreach (string CurrentArray in CurrentArrays) // Loops through the list of arrays.
FieldInfo TempArrayField = typeof(GlobalVariables).GetField(CurrentArray); // Gets the current array with reflection.
Array TempArray = (Array)TempArrayField.GetValue(typeof(GlobalVariables)); // Gets value of the current array.
ArrayResize(ref TempArray, GlobalVariables.FolderCount); // Resizes the array.
Type ArrayType = TempArray.GetType().GetElementType(); // Gets the type of the array.
TempArrayField.SetValue(ArrayType, TempArray); // Replaces the old with the new array.
Remove Entry:
/// <summary>
/// Function that removes an entry from an array of unknown type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CurrentArray">The array an entry needs to be deleted from.</param>
/// <param name="NewArraySize">The new size of the array.</param>
/// <param name="RemoveArrayID">The ID of the arrays entry that needs to be removed.</param>
private static void ArrayResize(ref Array CurrentArray, int NewArraySize, int RemoveArrayID)
NewArraySize <= 0 // Checks if the new array size is not negative.
&& (CurrentArray.Length - 1) == NewArraySize // And if the new array size is the same than the old array size minus one entry.
Type elementType = CurrentArray.GetType().GetElementType(); // Gets the type of the arrays elements.
Array newArray = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, NewArraySize); // Creats a new array with the new length.
if (NewArraySize != 0) // if the new array is not empty.
int PositionStart = RemoveArrayID + 1; // Calculates the the start position of the entrys behind the removed ID.
int RemainingLength = newArray.Length - RemoveArrayID; // Calculates the length of the array behind the removed ID.
if (RemoveArrayID > 0) // If the array ID that should be remove is not the first entry.
Array.Copy(CurrentArray, 0, newArray, 0, RemoveArrayID); // Copys the entrys in front of the removed ID in the new array.
else if (RemainingLength > 0) // If the array ID that should be remove is not the last entry.
Array.Copy(CurrentArray, PositionStart, newArray, RemoveArrayID, RemainingLength); // Copys the entrys behind the removed ID in the new array.
CurrentArray = newArray; // Replaces the old array with the new array.
Debugging.ErrorHandling.ErrorHandler("The new array size has an negative value or is not one entry smaller that the old array size.", 1202); // Creates an event log entry and error messagebox if application is run with gui.
Used like in this method:
/// <summary>
/// Method that removes a certain entry from all setting arrays.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="RemoveID">ID of the setting that should be removed from the settings.</param>
private static void RemoveEntryFromSettingsArrays(int RemoveID)
ArrayNamesList CurrentArrays = CreateArrayDictionary(); // Creates a list of the currently used setting arrays.
GlobalVariables.FolderCount--; // Decrements the folder count by one.
foreach (string CurrentArray in CurrentArrays) // Loops through the list of arrays.
FieldInfo TempArrayField = typeof(GlobalVariables).GetField(CurrentArray);// Gets the current array with reflection.
Array TempArray = (Array)TempArrayField.GetValue(typeof(GlobalVariables)); // Gets value of the current array.
ArrayResize(ref TempArray, GlobalVariables.FolderCount, RemoveID); // Removes an ID from the array.
Type ArrayType = TempArray.GetType().GetElementType(); // Gets the type of the array.
TempArrayField.SetValue(ArrayType, TempArray); // Replaces the old with the new array.