Hi I am writing an arraylist in storage using
private void addItemToRecentListStorage1(Hashtable h){
Storage s1 = Storage.getInstance();
ArrayList<Hashtable> a = (ArrayList<Hashtable>)s1.readObject("RecentItems");
a.add(0,h);//adding on top
s1.writeObject("RecentItems", a);
If I inspect s1 immediately after adding 1st element, it shows me appropriately in storage hierarchy.
But at a time of adding 2nd element(HashTable) it clear the 1st stored hashtable values, though it shows as a blank element.
Means, I am getting 1 element(HashTable) in arraylist by readObject() but that hashtable's all 4 elements are wiped out. This was working earlier but now its wiping out HashTable data from arraylist.
So eachtime I am getting number of element incremented by 1 when I add element. But all previous hashtables' values are cleared.
Same thing is happening in emulator as well as device.
Check out if you have an exception in the console that might have been triggered by serialization failing for some of the objects within the array.