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Content Security Policy (CSP) - safe usage of unsafe-eval?

We use the following CSP header:

default-src 'self' *; script-src 'self' * 'sha256-[...]' 'unsafe-eval'; 
connect-src 'self' *; 
style-src 'unsafe-inline' * 'self' data:; font-src *; 
img-src * 'self' data:

The recommendation by our security team is not use unsafe-eval.

My question is: as long as we are using sha256-[...] to restrict any script that we haven't deployed ourselves, what is the security risk of still keeping unsafe-eval in the CSP header? In what situation would this still expose us to cross-site attacks?


  • Because eval is literally unsafe. Eval in every language means "take this string and execute it code." Sure, you may be using eval in a semi-safe way, but as long as you allow it at all, you are saying "anyone is allowed to execute arbitrary code in my application given an entry point".

    2022 edit: the section below has not stood the test of time and things like WASM require unsafe-eval. It's still true that many front end frameworks still require unsafe-eval too.

    It is my opinion that there is no reason to use eval. Show me a case where eval is required in actual useful code and I'll bet that I can rewrite the code without using eval or declare it as impossibly secure code.

    Disallowing Inline script is only half the battle, especially if you use jquery.

    Quiz: does this code trigger an inline script violation or an eval violation?


    You may be surprised.


    it's eval (at the time this was written)