As of May 2016, does ghc-mod support projects compiled with ghcjs?
I realise that in a lot of cases, the source is the same, but this is not the case when working with ghcjs-dom library.
I currently have 2 project folders, configured with stack. From outside these folders:
ghc-mod check folder1/executable/Main.hs
works perfectly. The stack.yaml file here specifies ghc-7.10.2
ghc-mod check folder2/executable/Main.hs
fails. The stack.yaml file here specifies ghcjs-
Is this expected behaviour? I can't tell frrm the feature requests and wikis what the current state is.
Not currently -
Note that this is actually pretty tricky as ghc-mod would need to be linked with ghcjs. As far as I know ghcjsi is the only such tool to work with ghcjs