I want to write Java code to create a new collection in DSpace 5.4.
There exists a static method org.dspace.content.Collection.create(Context)
, but it is package-private, meaning this method can only be accessed by classes in the same package org.dspace.content
CollinD's comment is correct for the methods to use in the current master branch, what will be DSpace 6 eventually. In DSpace 5.4, the method to use is org.dspace.content.Community#createCollection()
(5.x code here) or the other version of this method that takes a handle string as an argument.
The reason is that a collection cannot exist on its own in DSpace. It must always be within a community, so all public API methods for creating a collection must ensure the community is specified.
To use the method I mention above, you will first need to look up the parent community object for your new collection, for example (if you know its handle) via org.dspace.handle.HandleManager#resolveToObject(String)
(5.x code here).
There may be other things you need to do to get proper behaviour (eg metadata such as the title); I would look at what happens in one of the UI options when a collection is created there. See XMLUI here: org.dspace.app.xmlui.aspect.administrative.FlowContainerUtils#createCollection
(5.x code here).