I am interested in using nls
to aid in fitting the Langmuir Equation Y =(Qmax*k*X)/(1+(k*X))
similar to what was done in this post Fitting Non-linear Langmuir Isotherm in R. The parameter of the equation I am interested in is Qmax
which corresponds to the horizontal asymptote (green line) of the plotted sorption data below. Is there a more robust approach other than nls
or a way to improve my use of nls
that I could employ to get a Qmax
value as close as possible to the visual asymptote (green line) around Qmax=3200
Lang <- nls(formula = Y ~ (Qmax*k*X)/(1+(k*X)), data = data, start = list(Qmax = 3600, k = 0.015), algorith = "port")
Using the following data:
1 3.08 84.735
2 5.13 182.832
3 6.67 251.579
4 9.75 460.077
5 16.30 779.350
6 25.10 996.540
7 40.80 1314.739
8 68.90 1929.422
9 111.00 2407.668
10 171.00 3105.850
11 245.00 3129.240
12 300.00 3235.000
I'm getting a Qmax = 4253.63
(red line) - approximately 1000 units away. Using upper and lower limits only results in a Qmax of what I set the upper limit to and changing initial values doesn't appear to change the outcome. Is this a challenge that can be solved with a different approach to non-linear regression than I've taken in base R or is this a statistical/mathematical problem first and foremost?
Plot of Non-linear Langmuir Isotherm
Formula: Y ~ (Qmax * k * X)/(1 + (k * X))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Qmax 4.254e+03 1.554e+02 27.37 9.80e-11 ***
k 1.209e-02 1.148e-03 10.53 9.87e-07 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 99.14 on 10 degrees of freedom
Algorithm "port", convergence message: relative convergence (4)
My attempt at the linearization of the model was less successful:
z <- 1/data
M <- lm(Y~X,z)
Qmax <- 1/coef(M)[1]
k <- coef(M)[1]/coef(M)[2]
Disclaimer: This is my first post so please bear with me, and I'm relatively new to R. With that being said any technical advice that might help me improve my technique above would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure why you expect Qmax
to be that low
I rewrote your dependency in a simplest form, removing multiplication and replacing it with addition (a => 1/k) by dividing both nominator and denominator by k
. Result looks perfect to my eye.
dt <- fread("R/Langmuir.dat", sep = " ")
Lang <- nls(formula = Y ~ (Qmax*X)/(a+X), data = dt, start = list(Qmax = 3600, a = 100.0), algorithm = "port")
q <- summary(Lang)
Qmax <- q$coefficients[1,1]
a <- q$coefficients[2,1]
f <- function(x, Qmax, a) {
p <- ggplot(data = dt, aes(x = X, y = Y))
p <- p + geom_point()
p <- p + xlab("T") + ylab("Q") + ggtitle("Langmuir Fit")
p <- p + stat_function(fun = function(x) f(x, Qmax=Qmax, a=a))
Basically, too many points at low X, hard to get curve bending for lower Qmax. Designed way to make curve bend is to add weights. For example, if I add weights column after reading data table:
dt[, W := (as.numeric(N)/12.0)^3]
and run nls
with weights
Lang <- nls(formula = Y ~ (Qmax*X)/(a+X), data = dt, start = list(Qmax = 3600, a = 100.0), weights = dt$W, algorithm = "port")
I'll get Qmax
and a
[1] 4121.114
[1] 74.89386
with the following graph