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Monitoring in dashboard

I am implementing a monitoring on dashboard using softlayer api. To check a current server status, I've used the API below and count them.

Baremetal server : hw.asService(client).getServerPowerState();
Virtual server : guest.getPowerState().getKeyName();

The result of status is "on" or "off". (running or halt for VM)

How can I know the number of recovering ?

Monitoring on dashboard


  • Please try the following request:

    https://[username]:[apikey][networkMonitorUpHardware,networkMonitorUpVirtualGuests,        networkMonitorRecoveringHardware,              networkMonitorRecoveringHardware(SoftLayer_Hardware_Server)[                  activeTransactions[                      transactionGroup  ]  ], networkMonitorDownHardware[                  hardwareStatus,                  datacenter[                      longName  ]  ],  networkMonitorDownHardware(SoftLayer_Hardware_Server)[                  activeTransactions[transactionGroup ]   ],              networkMonitorRecoveringVirtualGuests,              networkMonitorDownVirtualGuests  ]
    Method: GET

    Reference: SoftLayer_Account - datatypes

    Properties involved in the mask:

    • networkMonitorDownHardware
    • networkMonitorDownVirtualGuests
    • networkMonitorRecoveringHardware
    • networkMonitorRecoveringVirtualGuests
    • networkMonitorUpHardware
    • networkMonitorUpVirtualGuests