I have a Telerik grid and am using an integer to set the Y axis.
Number of seconds, what I want to do is change the label on the chart from
97 seconds
132 seconds
as an interger to show time like below
by updating the template, this should be fairly straight forward, just cant seem to find the right syntax
lineSeries1.TooltipsAppearance.ClientTemplate = "#= value # seconds";
to be something like
lineSeries1.TooltipsAppearance.ClientTemplate = "#= value #.format('hh:MM:ss') ";
Use this function on your template:
function formatTime(time) {
var rootDate = new Date(new Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).setSeconds(time));
var minutes = ("0" + rootDate.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
var seconds = ("0" + rootDate.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
return minutes + ":" + seconds;
And the template as "#: formatTime(value) #"
Obs #1: Note that that function is made only for your need, with it you lost the kendo's globalization and your time would always displayed as 00:00
Obs #2: The lib @ezanker proposed is very good tho but it is overkill imo if you only need that what you asked.